Thursday, May 16, 2013
Happy Birthday Candice Mye Cagasan!
Can you spare me sometime busy lass?
As crazy as it seem I miss you so much
Not that it bothers me, I'm kinda used to it
Dis is me kidding, ahaha! alright I half meant it
It's been sometime that we haven't talked
Cupcake we need to catch up soon,
Eat, Drink, Laugh, do something fun like chase a baboon (HAHA!)
My dear friend I remember we have been so close
Your laughter is contagious, I miss the way you laugh at my jokes
Even if it is so corny as they it is, you burst with laughter, you've always been jolly
Can you spare me sometime 'coz I miss you like crazy?
Awesome as you are I know your enjoying
Grant us our wish, Annabel Echavez is annoying
Ahaha! I laugh when she says your far beyond reach
She miss you too and a lot more of us, so please?
A happy birthday to the "DOY" of my life
Na na na Imagine me singing with a cake and knife
Doesnt that scare you, I know the thought is freaky
Oh my GHAAAD! Now let me make a wishy wishy
You stay beautiful and healthy and always happy!
Monday, May 13, 2013
A Tale of How It Ended
If you want to miss the crap, start reading at where the arrow points.
I am bothered. I am upset. I am writing because I need to express these emotions. So that I dont have to repeat this story over and over again if my friends would ask. I am writing so the persons I want to tell this story with doesnt have to react at every statement that Id have to say. So instead of saying something that might interrupt me from relaying the whole thing, he/she just have to keep on reading.
Before I start, I've realized that "If something makes you upset, and you acknowledge that you are sad, you are about to go feel sadder, because you would remember every possible thing that can make your day crap."
Now. This is about something crap. If you don't want you're time wasted for it, you can just quit reading. For I'm writing to express. Not to make it interesting for you. By the tone of this, you might have the idea that, I'm not in a quite good mood while writing this. Yeah, this isnt the only thing that upsets me though and if you think Im overeacting, you are entitled of your opinion, and I wont rob you the joy of criticizing me in your thoughts.
Okey, Im sorry if my words above upset you. I am just not my happy self.
--------------> start here.
What do you do when love comes back when you're ready to let go? Oh scratch that. That's a line my friend asked me back in high school. I still remember that line perhaps because of how ironic it is. What I wanted to say plainly is, what if one day you are happy about your life and here goes you're ex, appearing with short notice with all the eternal promises you wish you heard 7 months ago? yeah? Make it 8. Make it a year. Not now. Not ever.
I was sleeping till mid-day and it was past 2pm that I was awakened by a phone call. Tried to ignore it but the sound of a phone ringing just makes one pick up, guess that's what people call instinct. "Hello?" Twas my friend saying "Oh you were still sleeping?" he asked. I was embarassed that it might be the sound of my voice that gave him that notion. I can feel his embarassment for waking me up though. I wanted to be of help of whatever he might be calling about so I said "No its okay, what is it?" So he said he'd be coming over at my house, oh, my parents house, for "they" have don't have something better to do, oh those werent the exact words but thats how I understood it. He was coming with my ex. Yeah, ex-boyfriend. I complained about it, that I wanted to sleep and if he hadn't called I'd still be in dreamland. Fantasizing about a happy fairy tale. He handed the phone over to my ex. I heard a familiar voice on the other line telling me they'd come for a visit. It's warm and they want refreshments, "we were barkada after all". I managed to battle it up will all alibis I can think of, the house in not clean, the fridge is empty and I have nothing to prepare for them. "We'd bring food so you don't have to bother preparing" and he joked about being used to how our house is arranged. I said no, initially. I sounded conversational and chummy as I usually do. Talking to him is easy, its familiar but its bothersome. I gave every reason for it not to push through but Im half awake so my mind was, buffering like 128 kbps, what to do?
Its been more than 6 months since the break up. Though we havent talked about it face to face, I have indicated it more than a dozen of times that if is over. On the duration of 6 months though, we have met twice. One was an accidental meeting where he stared at me for 5 seconds, looked away, past through me and I didnt know if he looked back for I havent. Another was when he said he'd be attending mass and he is alone. We were still on our communicating phase, I was with my friends and keeping him company wouldn't hurt. That was 3-4 months after the break up and it seem okay. As smooth as it can be, it went fine as we grabbed a meal after the mass. At that meeting though, he have asked for a chance and that I didnt grant. Several times though a phone call and text messages he had, that time, it was in person. I made it crystal clear that my decision was final and irrevocable. I sensed he was upset by it. We separate ways as "old friends who seem to be strangers now but hopeful someday we can be and stay friends."
So this is the third meeting then. When I realized there's nothing I can do to stop them from coming over. I rose and check what possibly I can prepare. Filipino hospitality. I was complaining like hell to my siblings as to why he has to bother me by this time. I'm happy now. And this is such a pain in the ass as I have to think of what to prepare. Not to mention that our fridge doesn't get stuffed with lots of things to just grab and swallow, for no food survives a week in this household. Yeah, that kind of appetite. Managed to see some ingredients for a basic spag so I grabbed my towel and decided to shower. I'd have to work so I better get ready first. Put on warm clean clothes, I dont have to look good, I wanted to wear something he havent seen before though. For I don't want him to see a familiar look of me. For I have moved on and if I have to flaunt that, I would. Great thing about it is, since Im not impressing anyone, I dont have to bother to look good. Wore a pair of pants and house clothes for top, headed to the kitchen to start preparing.
At that time, I thought, "perhaps this is has to happen" and that "maybe there is a need for this." After all, we never really had that face to face closure heart breaking talk before. And as ironic as it maybe seem, a friend and some acquaintances actually mentioned it the day before. The closure talk has to take place personally, where eyes can meet and mean it.
Right after the break up, there was silence. No communication at all. Perhaps a month passed by before he realized he was actually losing me. Not to mention the stage that we werent in good terms anymore. Now that I mentioned, let me just incorporate it here too. We weren't in great shape before the break up. I have felt Ive been taken for granted. I am not the type of girlfriend who demands much but yeah lets skip the drama of the why-it-lead-to-separation because that's not why I'm upset now. Well after the break up, yeah there had been a time when he wanted to meet me. But I was final with my decision of not wanting any of it anymore. Him, the relationship, the crap, no I want none of those. After a month? Come on. I'm not going back to square one. I have thought about it couple of times before I finally declared "its over". I had been long since I had the courage and means to finally get through it. Im not just coming back. I refuse to meet him because I dont want to, because there is nothing to talk about, because I'd only hurt him anyway why does it have to be in person, because I'm doing okay moving on, because I think Im liking someone, because my family and friends and new workmates think I shouldnt as well. Because I might fall back, instead of move on.
It was not long till they arrived, I let my brother open up the gate for them. I invited them in and they stayed at the porch as I went back in to get them something to drink. My brother talked to them as I was cooking. Served them the triple chocolate cake they brought and going back and forth as I was checking the pasta. With little chit chats in between about work, job interviews, pets and parents nagging about getting a job and licensure exams and weight and being fat and my hair and if it suit me. Anything deep or emotional, just the usual anything goes conversation. He mentioned he had something to give me. I went back to finish cooking.
Even after that person that I thought I like slip through my hands, I never thought of going back to him, to that relationship that I let go. It was painful for me too. It was a pain every person who have had their hearts broken know of. It's the kind that doesnt make you sleep when you have to. The type that will make you cry for hours and it just wont stop. The feeling of being so hopeless and helpless and all you can think about is the pain that only gets worse as tears fall. The type that would make you want to just sleep and forget about the world existing and stay in dreamland where everything is bright and sunny. The kind that makes you feel you're the ugliest person in the world and you makes you think what bad thing could you have done to deserve such pain. The crying that makes your eyes so puffy that you dont want anyone to see for they may ask why. The whys and what-went-wrong-to-the-happy-couple inquiries that you get tired of repeating the story of what made you decide to let go. Let go of something you are unhappy about. Let go of a relationship that you seem to be the only one holding on to. The what if you go back together talks that you avoid so you isolate your self from all others on the annoyance of why dont they just help me move on by accepting that it can just never be as it is before. I have told him, "we are never ever ever going back together." As lyrical and as silly as it may sound, as bitter as T.S. sing it, I meant that. I still mean it. It had been painful and difficult. But I had been certain and firm that even if it breaks my heart into pieces, over and over again, I'm not going back to have him fix it just because its easier that way. "I want to be happy, I was a happy person before we met and even after that. But this relationship doesnt make me happy anymore. And I want to be happy, even if it is without you", this was how I started saying goodbye.
A realization, "Happiness is within, you don't need to be dependent on others for it. Happiness is internal, it radiates outside through a smile, it is amplified with laughter, it is genuine when shared."
The dish was ready so I served it immediately. Okay I don't think it tasted good as my brother mentioned "not like the restaurant", he was the only one who said its good though without me threatening. All others were kidding about it. Not worried, though its embarassing for my other brother's guest who was helping out assembling the CPU we bought the previous night. When we finished eating, I notice the time and I realize I better start preparing and they better keep going. On their way out, he scanned his wallet and handed me some things, my photos and some letters. some teared. I asked where the scrap book and diary from my in house was, he said he threw them away already. He admitted he didn't though, moments after. He should have given me back those things too.
A break up isnt a break up if its not heart breaking. Perhaps that's the reason why its called "break" up after all. But love, when it enters our lives, it doesnt leave without changing us to the depth of our being. No matter how painful it is, the learnings and the insights we get from it is nothing like we can experience in any other situations. The feeling of loving and caring for someone who reciprocates it, is not like any other. It is exceptional. But as wonderful as it feels, the worse it does too when you decide to let go. Its like a part of you dies. Like a favorite song you'll never hear again. A pain that never goes away. Only to realize, it does.
He brought his new bike. It was black Suzuki raider and its nice. We both find driving a bike is cool and fun. It was a common interest and I'm glad he had that for himself. I asked what the name of it was, he mentioned he hasn't named it. I told him to give it one for "Anything that you give a name becomes special." Like a dog is just like any other dog until you give it a name. I got a workmate who calls his bike "Dora" and that's cute, isnt it? He said he'd drop off my friend where he could get a PUJ and he'd be back for me. He doesnt have an extra helmet so I figured he'd give me a ride till the end of the block. I refused as I told him I love to live longer. He said he'd be waiting, I don't have much time to argue. And yes, we haven't had "that" conversation yet. Otherwise, he might suggest to meet me some other time. I wouldn't want that. This has to end now. How many times to break up with this guy by the way?
Arguement is inevitable in every relationship. And even after we cut the ties of that relationship we argued still. Once he texted me and begged. I was like, "after all this months, why now?" He told me everything I wanted to hear months earlier. How sorry he was. How he'd do eveything for me. How he'd be serious about his studies, plan for dates and special occassions and how he'd sing to me every night till I fall asleep. How he'd do everything to take me back. It was too late though. I want none of those things anymore. I know I love him still. I want him to be happy and successful. I want him to grow up and mature and find a girl who can bring out the best of him. I wasnt that person. Perhaps I didnt inspire him that much as the girl that is right for him can. Someone who'd make him want to be better. Someone who'd he want to prepare surprises for. Someone he'd want a good life with that will make him persevere and work hard. Someone he'd talk about future plans and children and travels. I thought so that he deserve someone better than I am. Someone who wont leave him even if the going gets tough. Someone who'd give him the consideration, patience and understanding I failed to give. Someone who'd love him more than I did. Someone he'd love and take care more than he did to me.
He was waiting for me and I joked about me wanting to live till I'm old. Oh, I'm not really kidding, its true. I want to live till my 80's and there are places I want to go, food I wanna eat, jobs I wanna try, someone I want to meet and if I'm lucky, live the rest of my life with. Ambitious. But dreams are for free. Well, I rode anyway reminding him to slow down, when we reached the end of the block he asked if we can stay for a moment. I have to keep going or I'd be late. He said if it was really goodbye. When I said "yes", he asked if there is someone else. Without hesitation, I told him that "there is someone I think I like." I can see his disappointment and a surprise he tried to hide. He asked if we were together. I didnt answer that directly for I told him "I think he likes me too." I heard he was asking my friend out and I wanted to know if he is serious about her, he told him he did that to seek attention. Moreover, he added that there are few girls he garnered attention with, to keep away from the loneliness he was feeling, to have something to do. Then I realized there are something we'd have to talk about. He just cant fool around like that, not to one of the few close friends that I have. I told him to go home and leave his bike so we can take a ride together. He agreed and as planned, we met again. Deep and serious conversations this time.
We talked in our way. I knew about the girls he is seeking attention with, its a handful. I joked about him feeling handsome about it. He told him it was still me, as it had always been. Then he said he'd show me something and he'd want to hear what I think about it. He took out his phone and browse on pictures. It was a photo of him and a girl around her mid twenties or older. Their face were so near that their cheeks met, they were smiling like they are having a great time and her arm was around head to keep it close. I looked at it and the first thought was, she's not that beautiful, second is she might be too old for him, third is, their faces are close in these photo. Then i told him jokingly "I don' like her eyebrows", then "she looks like a bitch, i meant, sorry i don't know her but just the looks though." He said its not what he meant, and I told him "If you'd have a photo like that, please do it with someone you are happy with, and please, someone beautiful." He said he met this girl once and he shared about him and I. She told him that they'd take a pic and he's have to show it to me to know how I'd feel. Then, I got what he meant. For if would have hurt if I still want him. Suprisingly, the first thing that I noticed was her eyebrows. Im glad about it. When he was still the owner of my thoughts, the idea of him hooking up with someone else scares and hurts me. I thought that I might break down and burst into tears. Like a hammer pounding your heart till its totally devastated. To his dismay and to by surprise, Im okay.
My heartache had disminished as time passed. Slowly, until hurts just become a piece of memory. Perhaps I have cried it all out that the pain have just gone away. Or maybe it was due to help of the awesome people around me. One thing that amazes me is that since the break up, I haven't plead for him to get back with me. I've doing that a lot of times during out relationship that, was tiring, took its toll on me. On one of the several occassions he asked for a chance, I had told him "What we were, what we used to be, is over and done. Notice the verbs? Past tense." That night, I got more than a hundred missed calls, if my memory serves me right, it was 121 missed calls. That is just freaky. He may have loved me. I loved him. But if I had to be harsh to make him understand its over, then I'd be. How many times do I have to break up with him by the way? How will I make him understand that it is indeed goodbye forever. I had cut off all means of communication, no text messages, no calls, no chat, I blocked him in my Facebook account. I've done that to help us, both, to move on and just keep moving forward. For once I have thought I am okay but when I stalked him and see his photos with his friends, I have realized, "not yet". It still hurt. It still sting. He still cross my mind in random usual occassions. Perhaps I've been used to that. Like something inside me whispers his name. I shouldn't be surprised. He had been the owner of my heart and thoughts for a long time. It doesn't just change overnight.
We walked through the long park, he was constantly begging, telling me he's do anything and everything just to make me happy. That I'm the only one he could ever love, that there isnt a day or an hour that he didnt think about me. That he cant sleep when he have to and he is doing his best to be better. That he will cook for me instead. He told me he wants me back numerous times and I can't remember how many times I said the word no that night, "no", "my answer will always be no", "it's no forever". I told him "i dont want the relationship back", "i dont want it now, not ever", and he just wouldn't stop. He was constantly pleading, sobbing like a child. Though i see no tears in his eyes, I can see right thru it that he is hurting and sincere. It was embarassing though and people were looking, wondering. I can feel the stare of people who pass us by. It was like that on repeat. I was getting really tired about it. It is frustrating and I felt sorry for him. I felt how much he wants it back. Me back. But I just don't feel the same way. When he wouldnt just stop, I was getting really annoyed so I told him, "Listen, okay let me tell you this, I think I really like that person. No. I love him. I love him already. For him I am willing to sacrifice whatever is left for this relationship. I'd trade the depth of our frienship for that tiny chance to be happy with him. Please respect that." I turned my back to him and walked away, as fast as I can. I can see worry in the expression of the girls sitting on the grass at the park. I wanted to know what painted those bothered looks. But I chose to increase my pace. For if I'd look back, I might go back for him.
He called out my name. I said "What? Im so late!" He said that at least we'd walk together. I was really late so I walked as fast as I can. He managed to keep with my pace. Asking me to listen, I was irate and I told him to just keep walking and I'm listening. He told me he'd never stop loving me. He can't. "If that guy that you are liking, courts you and hurts you after all." I said in thoughts "I won't regret it." He continued, "I am just here, okay? You can go back to me." That I didn't expect. Perhaps, we can never tell what the future may bring us. As I walk away I thought, someday, he'd be happy. With or without me.
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Photo from |
Happy Birthday Kuya Joshua!
Killing time with you I enjoy
U are an angel sent to guide us
Your radiance and cheerfulness is contagious
Always I pray that you stay happy and safe
Just be yourself, and you'd be loved
Often I miss you, your enthusiasm when you talk
Simply amazing that's what you are
How I hope soon we'll meet again and laugh for hours
U are the elder brother I wished for when I was younger
A Happy Birthday to you my Kuya Josh!
U are an angel sent to guide us
Your radiance and cheerfulness is contagious
Always I pray that you stay happy and safe
Just be yourself, and you'd be loved
Often I miss you, your enthusiasm when you talk
Simply amazing that's what you are
How I hope soon we'll meet again and laugh for hours
U are the elder brother I wished for when I was younger
A Happy Birthday to you my Kuya Josh!
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A photo of Kuya Josh and his girlfriend Ate Adyl |
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Need I say more? haha! posting my face? XD |
Sunday, May 12, 2013
A Letter For Mama This Mother's Day
To my biological and beautiful Mama Joyce Aberion,
I may not express it everyday but I love you. I wrote this to express what I don't tell you everyday. That you mean so much to me more than you could ever imagine. I am very thankful to you Ma, for everything you have sacrificed for us. For all the dreams you had for yourself that you gave up because our dreams are more important to you. I may have not grasp the depth of that love fully. I do think you still can pursue the things that makes you happy because I believe in you. You are one of the strongest woman I know. Perhaps that made me your daughter. You shouldn't be surprised why I'm this stubborn.
A lot of times, I know I outwit you. I declare my decisions and most often than not, though you try to talk me thru it, you know there isn't much option for you other that support it. The pain of being a mother ey? You have no choice but tolove me. Haha! Yes Ma, I'm as stubborn as you are. Maybe more. And as bad as my mood may be or as crap as my attitude gets, I thank you for being there for me all the time. Since birth till present. I am aware and grateful of your love. And JC and Marjo and Chin2x and Chibi and Brit and Papa, we all love you. We might be a bunch of headaches but I know we are your happiness.
About your gaming, I am doing best to understand. Praying that God give me the strength to endure the pain of it. HAHA! Yeah, I there is nothing much I can do about it. And I want you to be happy. And you should be thankful to Jervern told she something to manage this. And Lyn. And Joveth. We are friends Ma, arent we? Not in facebook though, I can't grant you that anymore. I know you love and adore me Ma. Above anyone else, I believe it when its you who tell me I'm beautiful. And when you tell me otherwise. But I won't let rub your nose in my social networking life and don't ask anymore. As mom as you are, I know you'll keep asking. XD Someday, maybe we can be FB friends again. Just keep courting me, don't falter. HAHAHA!
You are my worse critic. Because you are someone who can be brutally honest with me. When I get lazy to dress up or wear make up, when something stinks, or when my grammar fails or my reasons are dumb. You are a friend. Someone who will always be. You loved me first. That doesnt make it any more than you love my siblings. But being first is my honor. You love us the same I know.You know me. You know I'm stupid when I'm in love so you try to protect me. You think I'm lazy. I think you are the same. Ahahaha! I'm sorry for being lazy. You find me beautiful. You are my mother, should you be surprised? HAHA!You love me. And I love you the same. Thank you for picking me up when I'm down. Thank you for making me take up nursing, I gained a friends. HAHA! Thank you for being my true friend. Thankyou, because I know, you will be there for me no matter what.
I may not express it everyday but I love you. I wrote this to express what I don't tell you everyday. That you mean so much to me more than you could ever imagine. I am very thankful to you Ma, for everything you have sacrificed for us. For all the dreams you had for yourself that you gave up because our dreams are more important to you. I may have not grasp the depth of that love fully. I do think you still can pursue the things that makes you happy because I believe in you. You are one of the strongest woman I know. Perhaps that made me your daughter. You shouldn't be surprised why I'm this stubborn.
A lot of times, I know I outwit you. I declare my decisions and most often than not, though you try to talk me thru it, you know there isn't much option for you other that support it. The pain of being a mother ey? You have no choice but tolove me. Haha! Yes Ma, I'm as stubborn as you are. Maybe more. And as bad as my mood may be or as crap as my attitude gets, I thank you for being there for me all the time. Since birth till present. I am aware and grateful of your love. And JC and Marjo and Chin2x and Chibi and Brit and Papa, we all love you. We might be a bunch of headaches but I know we are your happiness.
About your gaming, I am doing best to understand. Praying that God give me the strength to endure the pain of it. HAHA! Yeah, I there is nothing much I can do about it. And I want you to be happy. And you should be thankful to Jervern told she something to manage this. And Lyn. And Joveth. We are friends Ma, arent we? Not in facebook though, I can't grant you that anymore. I know you love and adore me Ma. Above anyone else, I believe it when its you who tell me I'm beautiful. And when you tell me otherwise. But I won't let rub your nose in my social networking life and don't ask anymore. As mom as you are, I know you'll keep asking. XD Someday, maybe we can be FB friends again. Just keep courting me, don't falter. HAHAHA!
You are my worse critic. Because you are someone who can be brutally honest with me. When I get lazy to dress up or wear make up, when something stinks, or when my grammar fails or my reasons are dumb. You are a friend. Someone who will always be. You loved me first. That doesnt make it any more than you love my siblings. But being first is my honor. You love us the same I know.You know me. You know I'm stupid when I'm in love so you try to protect me. You think I'm lazy. I think you are the same. Ahahaha! I'm sorry for being lazy. You find me beautiful. You are my mother, should you be surprised? HAHA!You love me. And I love you the same. Thank you for picking me up when I'm down. Thank you for making me take up nursing, I gained a friends. HAHA! Thank you for being my true friend. Thankyou, because I know, you will be there for me no matter what.
Happy Birthday William Po!
Will you be my friend?
Is it much to ask if i say smile gent?
Let go of yesterday's hurt bit by bit
Let today be special, its yours, own it
I know it's not easy when the bother is the heart
A convex curve in your lips may be a good start
May happiness stay with you, you deserve the best
Please stay awesome, thanks for watching over Joveth
Ohh to you I wish, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Profession (By: Carla Joyce Aberion for Mothers' Day)
If you may be asked, what for you is the most difficult profession in the world? What kind of job requires the greatest deal of effort? The type that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, 365 days a year isn't just enough to get everything done? My answer to that question is MOTHERHOOD.
In Mindy Greenstein, Ph.D.'s article about "Motherhood: The Invisible Profession", she said "'The hardest job I've ever had is being a mother." She is a psychologist who have worked with drug dealers, gang leaders and heroine abusers. She have indicated that it also is the most gratifying. Yet there isn't a concrete proof to show they did well. They don't get credits or salary increase for it. Most of the time, they don't get paid for it. They can't brag it their resumes or get a plaque of appreciation for all their efforts. They work at wee hours at night getting chores done and wake up early to have breakfast ready. However awesome it may feel with a mother's love is reciprocated, usually, it isn't. And I'm guilty of it.
I could say being a good father is way easy than being good mother. All it takes for a man to be called responsible is to work an 8-12 hour shift in 5-6 days a week. It may vary and that it gets frustrating when all that is left from your pay is a fare for a cab and food when you're working. They might not get to buy a new pair of shoes, the latest gadgets or a decent looking car they been longing for years. For they have stomachs to feed and utility bills to pay among others. But hey, when a man is this responsible, the world will adore him for it. What a good father he is.
So what does it take to be called a good mother? Lets skip the 9 months drama and labor pains. Lets just have a run thru on waking up in the middle of night to tend to a hungry infant, the sheets they have to change and wash when we were incapable of controlling our bladders yet, costly milk they have to prepare in the middle of the night, when we are sick and they don't get to sleep, waking up early to get us ready for school, school meetings and events that we get upset if they can't attend, when we pick a fight or when our grades are below average and they get called for a lecture at the school office, and everyday they think of a menu to keep up with our appetite. And how often have we said "thanks ma!" Not everyday, isn't it?
As difficult it is to rear an infant, a toddler to childhood, teenagers are the most difficult to handle. Teenagers demand, talk back, sneak out and get into secret forbidden relationships. We've went home late and refuse to do our share in the chores. We played deaf, blind, cripple and dumb. We don't listen to what they say. We ignore them when we are mad. We spend hours in front of the TV or PC. We don't follow instructions and advises. We've been manipulative and we choose to be with our friends and that's part of growing up but still, its HEADACHE. Well, we should be glad, motherhood is a profession without a contract, without an expiration, without a need for renewal and not a million fight can change the fact that our mothers, are our mothers forever.
Even we don't verbalize sorry, we'd be forgiven. Even if we disobey often, we'd be loved. We don't have to ask, they know what we need. They work hard to get us our wants. Their hearts break when we cry. They hide their tears when we upset them. They nag and nag and nag when they only mean to say "I love you." They only want the best for us. And most of the time, mothers do know best. It's cliche but we don't have to wait for the time we'd say, I should have listened to you.
Truth be told, it requires more than a working mom who tries best to run a household to be great mom. It takes more than a stay-at-home mom who does her best to finish the chores and do budgeting while making sure her children are safe home before she sleep in her bed. It needs a great deal of patience, consideration, love and understanding to be a great mom. A lot is expected. Yet, so little gratitude is given. But have we thought of what it takes to be great daughters and sons? Who are we by the way without our moms? We never would have existed.
A mom is friend. A friend who would love us no matter what would become of us. A mom ought to told "I love you." More often than we tell our girlfriends and boyfriends. A mom is an irreplaceable gift we ought to love, take care and be grateful about.
To you, please hug your mom for me. For I wouldn't have known someone as awesome as you are if not for her. Make her happy today. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOUR MOM!
To all MOTHERS, especially to the mothers that I personally knew. My aunts and grandmoms and cousins-in-law and friends and workmates. To the mothers of my great friends. I'll name a few awesome moms:
Joyce Aberion Librada Aberion Catalina Batumalake
Lola Helen Ethyl Castro Rizza San-Augustin
Carmelita Ouano Marysol Cacciata Liza Batumalake (of course)
Teresita Aberion Emily Aberion Mellisa Hayo-Aberion
Neneng Aberion Lot-Lot Agravante Alice Ouano
Merlita Cator Lani Batumalake Ionne Villagonzalo
Ella Aberion Abigial Aberion Josie Alimagno
Germelina Marikit Edwina Figarum Janett Ybanez
Judy Vasquez Elizabeth Abella Jonnette Labrador
Sam Polo-Dumaog Rose Gier Grace Tecling
Gwen Ando Kitine Gelacio Mrs. Villar
Mrs. Beaniza Mrs. Caramba Mrs. Dahino
Mrs. Samson Grace Aberion Baby Pangahin
Mrs. Perpetua Zenaida Amamangpang Mrs. Aparece
Mrs.Rivera Carmen Ang Mrs. Concepcion
Mrs. Ang Mrs. "Amma" Ang Mrs. Abdulla
Mrs. Beltran Mrs. Amodia
Thank you for being a mom. Thank you for raising your children the best way you knew. You are loved. Though we, children, don't express that everyday. I salute you for patience. For the love and support you have for your children. For the beauty that will never fade with age, with that you are promised. You are beautiful, because you are a mother. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
To my godmother, Rizza San Augustin, Click here Mommy Rizza to reveal my message.
A Note to my Mommy this Mother's Day
To my 2nd Mama, Mommy Ethyl Castro.
Thank you Mommy!
You are a mom I'm so happy I have.
I am very blessed I have you. No
You've always been someone I'm comfortable with.
Someone I run to when the world seem to be crumbling down. Someone I tell my needs and wants and desires.
You have treated me like your own.
You have loved me first.
You have supported me since then and
you have never stopped showing me that
you have never stopped showing me that
even we had kids on your own.
Thank you for all the surprises and gifts and kindness and love and for being the mom that you are to me.
Thank you for all the surprises and gifts and kindness and love and for being the mom that you are to me.
I love you so much and I always will.
Your Daughter,
A Note to my Godmother this Mother's Day
To my godmother, Rizza San Augustin,
I miss you and I thank you for your kindness.
I hope we'd meet soon and
I pray for your health and safety.
Kiss Sam for me.
And my warm regards to Daddy Ringo.
Get Out
You don’t want to see my face that’s what I heard
It was so sudden and you flew like a bird
My heart ache and tears roll down my cheeks
Can’t find the tool to make the broke -> fix
You made me think what I should not
And now I hate myself for that
Unsatisfied is the feeling isn't it?
Despite everything I did, I can never be worth it.
Your love is like gold but I am a trash
Not even worth some petty cash
I’m such a dupe that I believed on happiness
Only fairy tales can turn a frog into a princess
I once told myself to stop dreaming
I once was hurt because I allowed a feeling
The one that feels like heaven at the beginning
Yet falls into a terrible ending
But then you came along and so I thought
Happiness is a right so for it I fought
I enjoyed the game for victory I thought was mine
But I end up striving to be fine
Heartbreak again obfuscate my days
Heartache it is that saddens my face
It worries me now upon knowing that the cure
Is the same person who caused the pain so difficult to endure
I’m on my sheets as I cry myself to sleep
Trying hard to put away the hurt that’s so deep
I’ll soon end these self-pity, self-destructive depression
But for now, let me feel and cry till my tears have mended my heart’s lesion
It was so sudden and you flew like a bird
My heart ache and tears roll down my cheeks
Can’t find the tool to make the broke -> fix
You made me think what I should not
And now I hate myself for that
Unsatisfied is the feeling isn't it?
Despite everything I did, I can never be worth it.
Your love is like gold but I am a trash
Not even worth some petty cash
I’m such a dupe that I believed on happiness
Only fairy tales can turn a frog into a princess
I once told myself to stop dreaming
I once was hurt because I allowed a feeling
The one that feels like heaven at the beginning
Yet falls into a terrible ending
But then you came along and so I thought
Happiness is a right so for it I fought
I enjoyed the game for victory I thought was mine
But I end up striving to be fine
Heartbreak again obfuscate my days
Heartache it is that saddens my face
It worries me now upon knowing that the cure
Is the same person who caused the pain so difficult to endure
I’m on my sheets as I cry myself to sleep
Trying hard to put away the hurt that’s so deep
I’ll soon end these self-pity, self-destructive depression
But for now, let me feel and cry till my tears have mended my heart’s lesion
I said nothing to stop you go
You want your freedom that’s all I know
I'm perplexed on why do you have to leave me
I need you baby can’t you see?
I smile but deep inside I'm dying
I want to show you I can go on living
But I'm deeply hurt that you bid me goodbye
Were the sweet words all lies?
How can you do this when you promised me forever
That you’ll always stay and leave me never
I never thought this pain could be possible
Am I worthy of this ache so undesirable?
You were my source of strength when I was on my knees
When I was troubled you gave me peace
An inspiration that’s what you are
Yet now my dear, you've gone so far
I want you to know that to me you mean so much
To the extent that my worries would drain in a single touch
But goodbye is what I get with what I give
Its so unfair and this would take time to forgive.
And just I case you want me back
Be so sure you’ll fill what you lack
But that seem close to never
And this pain I bet is forever.
Recipient Of My Love
As my eyes open when morning came,
I can’t think of reasons or of who to blame,
Of why have I loved you as much as this,
You own the whole of my heart, not just a piece.
Knowing that too much of everything is bad,
I did something that made me feel sad.
I tried avoiding you for quite sometime,
But I end up missing you all the time.
I didn’t mean to feel this way.
And upon realizing that this is true,
Never did I pray that you’ll feel the same way too.
‘Coz what I said was “I LOVE YOU” not “LOVE ME TOO”.
But if your heart will learn to love a “ME”,
It isn’t only then that I would truly be happy.
Forever thankful that someone who seem to be everything,
Had looked down and loved someone who seems nothing.
I never do know if this is wrong or right,
But I want you to know that I’m never giving up the fight.
Because if having you for a lifetime is what I’ll get,
I’ll fight for this love even after my 9th life’s death.
This may sound extremely corny as it is,
The world might even mock at me for this,
But that would be something for me to be proud of,
Since you’re the recipient of what I call LOVE
Not Forever
Will you ever know?
That I love you from head to toe?
I loved you since before.
And now, I love you even more.
You fill in my emptiness,
And I meet happiness.
You brought me joy each day
Never thought you’d come my way
Not knowing you’re already taken
By somebody who’s good at fakin’
She would only make you cry
And after hug you goodbye.
Don’t worry coz I’m here
There’s nothing for you to fear.
Though I’m not the one you need,
I won’t leave you weeping like a kid.
You’re someone I really love
But somebody I never could have.
When will this feeling be over?
Hoping this isn’t forever.
That I love you from head to toe?
I loved you since before.
And now, I love you even more.
You fill in my emptiness,
And I meet happiness.
You brought me joy each day
Never thought you’d come my way
Not knowing you’re already taken
By somebody who’s good at fakin’
She would only make you cry
And after hug you goodbye.
Don’t worry coz I’m here
There’s nothing for you to fear.
Though I’m not the one you need,
I won’t leave you weeping like a kid.
You’re someone I really love
But somebody I never could have.
When will this feeling be over?
Hoping this isn’t forever.
Tagdon Sad Unta
Wa na jud ko kasabot
Nagsige nlang ko og pangambot
Ang gibati ko dha kanimo
May untag tagdon mo.
Gihigugma gyud tika
Ikaw og wa nay lain pa.
Tanan akong buhaton
Para ikaw magmalipayon.
Gugmang gi … nikalit lang og tungaNiabot bisag wla imbitaha
Ayaw intawn iitsapuwera
Ang gugma kong gigasa
Ikaw lang ang perming gihandumBuntag, udto og bisan pag mahapon
Ikaw ang kinabuhi ko
Kung wa ka, mag-unsa nman lang ko..
Nagsige nlang ko og pangambot
Ang gibati ko dha kanimo
May untag tagdon mo.
Gihigugma gyud tika
Ikaw og wa nay lain pa.
Tanan akong buhaton
Para ikaw magmalipayon.
Gugmang gi … nikalit lang og tungaNiabot bisag wla imbitaha
Ayaw intawn iitsapuwera
Ang gugma kong gigasa
Ikaw lang ang perming gihandumBuntag, udto og bisan pag mahapon
Ikaw ang kinabuhi ko
Kung wa ka, mag-unsa nman lang ko..
Friday, May 10, 2013
Never Again
The night is now deep
But still I can’t sleep
Thinking about the quarrel we had
Hoping you aren’t mad
I want to say forgive me
My conscience bugging me
It’s all my fault I know
But please just don’t go.
My life will be useless
For without you, it’s meaningless
Living without you is emptiness
And that would mean ‘hopelessness’.
I’m sorry for what I’ve done
Believe me, you’re my only one.
Let’s start it over
I promise to hurt you never.
But still I can’t sleep
Thinking about the quarrel we had
Hoping you aren’t mad
I want to say forgive me
My conscience bugging me
It’s all my fault I know
But please just don’t go.
My life will be useless
For without you, it’s meaningless
Living without you is emptiness
And that would mean ‘hopelessness’.
I’m sorry for what I’ve done
Believe me, you’re my only one.
Let’s start it over
I promise to hurt you never.
You broke my young heart.
When you said we’d rather be apart.
How could this be true?
Can anyone give me a clue?
Before, you said you love me so
But having me now is a no
Heartache, I felt inside
Loneliness, I just can’t hide.
I notice you’re now happy
Enjoying life with somebody
You’re heart seem like a steel
Not even minding of what I feel.
And now I’m all alone
Doing things on my own
Trying to forget all about you
Which seems impossible for me to do.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Don't Make Me Leave
I thought I’m going to lose you today
You said I’d only be hurt then you pushed me away
After all we talked about, you’ll just quit?
Did you forget that you and I are the perfect fit?
You told me I’d better be with your friend
And that my happiness is what you intend
But I just don’t understand why you said that in spite
You’re giving me up without a god damn fight.
Your judgment is deliberately wrong
But then I thought I’d just ride along
Because I abhor hearing you speak in intense worry
That we can never be, but you know, I’m in no hurry
I can and I will wait for you
No matter what it is that you have to do
I understand your responsibilities
Remember, I will support you will all these.
I cried with confusion with what you said
First you were insensitively pushing me away
Then cried that without me you’d rather be dead
Now do you want me to stay?
Everyone was worried about you
You were crying hard and I didn’t know what to do
So I said “Shall we try to make this work?”
Then you answered “Please stay” with a smirk.
Of course I want to be with your forever
I didn’t even think about leaving ever
My thoughts are with you and I hope you’d believe
That being your princess makes me very pleased.
So I am asking you my prince please
To be the love that won’t make me leave
I won’t allow you to be “the one that got away”
But if you go, I’ll love you with all that I am anyway.
Composed on September 30, 2012
Edited and Finalized October 6, 2012
Edited and Finalized October 6, 2012
Jesus Christ
Let this be the my First Blog
Wrote this from years past.
To God be the glory.
JC, my master and king
The reason why I’m here
He is my everything
There’s nothing that I fear
Powerful yet humble He is
Merciful to those who sin
To Him the Father is pleased
In times of trouble, it’s to him that I lean.
Unlike the earthly leaders
Who got servants and slaves
He treat us is sisters and brothers
He’s the one that truly saves.
He never thinks of himself first
But on pouring out his selfless love
Not minding the pain and the thirst
And now he’s guiding us from above.
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